Oil adsorbent
High performance oil absorbent material

An oil adsorbent produced by the burst fiber method, using polypropylene, a highly hydrophobic and oleophilic synthetic fiber with a porous microstructure and a large surface area.
Features of Oil adsorbent
Features of Oil adsorbent

- The oil adsorption capacity is about 20-25 times its own weight for machine oil and heavy oil.
- It can be used repeatedly, de-oiled efficiency of the aperture is 90%.
- There is no decrease in oil absorption capacity due to repeated use.
- Even if it is left on the surface of the water for a long time, it will stay afloat and not sink.
- Incineration after use does not produce toxic gas.
- Thanks to it's high oil absorption capacity small amounts of oil absorbent can be used, which reduces waste.
Grease trap - Oil absorbing cleaning sheet
Oil adsorbent Power Clean
Oil adsorbent Power Clean is made of polypropylene, which is the most hydrophobic of all synthetic resins. It can absorb fats and oils without absorbing water. In addition, Teijin's original special manufacturing process enables a single sheet to absorb 1.3kg of oil and grease. With its extremely high oil absorption performance, this product brings a myriad of benefits to the kitchen.
Features of Oil adsorbent Power Clean
Features of Oil adsorbent Power Clean
- Adsorption capacity is 25 times its weight.
- Special porous fiber structure provides excellent oil absorption performance.
- The sheet easily cleans up the oil floating on the surface.
- Controls unpleasant odors and pests